Identity and area
The publishing company Edo Edizioni of Oltrepò was established in 1989. It was set up as part of the project for a magazine aimed at promoting the oltrepadano area, and its editorial line was focused on this objective.
In 1990 the first number of the 6-monthly “Oltre” magazine was published with the aim of providing information both inside and outside the Pavia province, about reality, people, companies, culture, and tourism in these lands.
With its art paper and colour photographs, and its sober yet elegant graphic livery, it immediately became a show-window for the Pavia province and the nearby towns of Alessandria and Piacenza.
The magazine gave space to historical, political and human problems, making it an interesting to read cultural instrument.
The tourist and wine/food aspects have been the centre of focus in keeping with the growing awareness of these sectors in Italy and Europe.
With the same special attention it has, through the years, dedicated to its area, the publishing house has enriched its catalogue of books, orienting its choices at historical and artistic subjects and research.
Edo Edizioni Oltrepò has published books by scholars, experts and researchers, who have exhaustively studied the significant events and personages of a local reality which has often intertwined with mainstream history.
To mention just two examples, the catalogue includes: an important critical-essay work in two volumes about the history of art in Oltrepò by Virginio Giacomo Bono; a highly detailed archive research, in four volumes, about day-to-day life from the XII to the XVI century, by Italo Cammarata.
In co-operation with the Voghera Municipality and Pavia University, late in 2003, the first volume of the trilogy on the History of Voghera was published.
Readers have, in particular, appreciated the first two tourist guides in the series “Oltrepò and its environs” entitled “Itineraries for four seasons” (2000), “Fortresses, castles and ancient dwellings” (2002).
Visit the Internet site of Edo Edizioni Oltrepò:

Edo Edizioni Oltrepò S.r.l.
Via Emilia 166 – 27058 Voghera (PV) Italia
C.F. e P. IVA 01358490181
Cap. Soc. € 46.800,00 int.vers.
+39 0383 332322
Plus code: X2V6+Q5 Voghera, PV