Sixty years of experience and ISO / BRCGS certifications are our guarantee
Since the beginning, Piber Group has always operated aiming at high quality production, earning itself the undisputed title of technological leader in the market. In those years the quality was essentially product quality, mainly based on three fundamental factors, still valid today in the quality strategy of the Group: internal manufacturing and maintenance of the moulds, productive plant of the latest generation, the exclusive use of virgin raw material produced by large multinational suppliers.
The moulds and robots that H.M.S. put at the disposal of the Group assure high quality production, that enhance precision and repeatibility of the modern injection moulding machines and thermoforming machines, which are frequently substituted.
Through the years the term quality has taken on, in Piber, a new meaning, at first taking particular care of the production area’s environmental conditions, with the aim of assuring the highest degree the product’s physical and chemical-batteriological cleanliness: today our factories work in over-pressure, with a flow of filtered air, and there are weekly operations of total cleaning, under tight control of the internal laboratory which, managed by a biologist, carries out constant monitoring (about 5000 yearly analysis) of the product’s and of the production area’s pollution levels, in terms of fungus and bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic, certifying the results and suggesting adequate solutions in the case of discordance with the parameters agreed with the customers.
Natural evolution of this strategy has been the implementation of CLEAN ROOM departments that can work in optimal, steady and certificated microbiological conditions.
Today quality is meant as global quality of the couple product-service, respecting above all shorter times.
Here then we have the importance of a unique interlocutor that is Piber, the only one able to manage in a univocal and co-ordinated way the planning of a new product from the design of its packaging to the building of its moulds, to the supplying of packagings, of the packing machines and of the sealing film.
And still important in terms of service are the logistics structures of a self-managed transport (short and long distance) and storage system, indispensable to those customers that must face seasonal consumption peaks, and that decisively contribute to the quality in terms of guarantee and punctual supply.
All these aspects of GLOBAL QUALITY are the qualifying points of the UNI EN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED QUALITY SYSTEMS, that operate at Piberplast Stamplast and Esbe plants.
The production processes in a controlled environment of Piberplast and Stamplast follow the BRCGS Packaging technical control standard.
Clic here to download the BRCGS Packaging standard conformity certification article (Format: PDF – Dimension: 212kb)
Our certificates
Esbe Srl
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: Italian - Format: PDF)
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: English - Format: PDF)
BRCGS Packaging (Language: English - Format: PDF)
Piber Group Srl Lampografica division
FSC (Language: English - Format: PDF)
Piberplast Spa
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: Italian - Format: PDF)
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: English - Format: PDF)
BRCGS Packaging (Language: English - Format: PDF)
ISCC PLUS certificate (Language: English - Format: PDF)
Stamplast Srl
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: Italian - Format: PDF)
UNI EN ISO 9001 (Language: English - Format: PDF)